Soumyajit's Research Group
Structural Organic Chemistry
Lab #414, SS Bhatnagar Block
Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Technology Ropar
Rupnagar, Punjab 140001, India
We are synthetic organic chemists, and we create molecules out of pure curiosity to identify new physical properties
Research Theme: π-Conjugated Molecules and Materials: Synthesis, Properties, Molecular Structure, and Applications
Fully Conjugated Indenofluorene Isomers:
Acenes such as pentacenes received much attention for a long time due to their unique physical properties and applications in organic electronic devices. Unfortunately, pentacene is prone to oxidative degradation, therefore the demand for alternative pentacene-like topologies gave birth to the five conjugated indenofluorene (IF) isomers: Indeno[1,2-b]fluorene, Indeno[2,1-a]fluorene, Indeno[2,1-b]fluorene, Indeno[2,1-c]fluorene, and Indeno[1,2-a]fluorene. The IF isomers are formally antiaromatic with two fewer carbons than pentacene, and thus two fewer π-electrons. Among five IFs, electron-accepting indeno[2,1-c]fluorene (Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 1362) is unique due to its potential application in the bulk-heterojunction device (Appl. Phys. Lett. 2014, 105, 043301) including its ability to reduce the HOMO-LUMO energy gap (compared to another pQDM containing [1,2-b]IF). The original synthesis by Prof. Haley (Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 1362) was the only report on the synthesis of [2,1-c]IF by far until another alternative route was published by us in ChemComm.
Fully Conjugated Indacenodifluorene Isomers:
Inspired by the physicochemical properties and optoelectronic applications of IFs, we envisioned exploring higher-order indenofluorenes in the form of fully conjugated cyclopentafluorene-fused IFs which may be termed Indacenodifluorene (IDF) isomers. IDFs are 9-membered polycyclic arenes and may be obtained by the condensation of 6- and 5-membered hydrocarbon rings in an alternating arrangement. IDF family can be classified as two different isomers: 1) s-Indacenodifluorene (s-IDF) and 2) as-Indacenodifluorene (as-IDF). We are actively engaged and particularly interested in the exploration of the many different IDF isomers (including the first s-IDF isomer in J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 1065) with unique structures since these isomers may become potential low band gap (even open shell) molecules and may find applications in optoelectronic devices in future.
Chemistry of Higher Order Zethrene:
Higher order zethrenes usually showed singlet diradical character in the ground state. For the first time, we have shown that substitution plays an important role in tuning the diradical character and HOMO-LUMO gap. Indeed, we have shown that the choice of right substituents completely eliminates diradical character while a low-lying zwitterionic state is easily accessible in the singlet ground state. For more details on synthesis and optoelectronic properties, see our paper published in The Journal of Organic Chemistry.
Antiaromatic indenofluorenes as ambipolar organic semiconductors:
Understanding anti-aromaticity:
The concept of aromaticity is debated, and thus this topic is quite intriguing. We try to understand the concept of aromaticity from a theoretical point of view by giving experimental validation. To do so, we do multi-step synthesis to prepare novel polycyclic arenes and heteroarenes. Some selected papers on the topic of anti-aromaticity of s-indacene, as-indacene, and pentafulvene were published by us in Org. Biomol. Chem., Chem. Commun., Org. Lett. journals.
Synthesis of non-hexagonal nanographene:
Azulene ring defects in graphene or carbon nanotubes can significantly tune the optoelectronic properties in comparison to hexagonal analog. A formal azulene-embedded polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon was synthesized and fully characterized. The molecule serves as a tribenzo-extended non-alternant example of peri-acenoacene, and the work is published in JOC.